Welcome to the Demo Project for DirectMusic Producer, DirectX 8 version. This project is designed to be a teaching tool to aid in familiarizing users with some basic techniques that are available in DirectMusic. It is recommended that you set your screen resolution to 1024 X 768 for the purposes of this project only. It is recommended that you audition this project with the default synth, the Microsoft Synthesizer. While other synths can be used, they may not support all the features of DirectX 8, e.g., audiopaths and effects. This Demo Project does not require you to set up specific ports (any pchannel should be supported). Number of voices allocated is set to 128 by default. This can be edited by right clicking the MIDI/Performance Options button in the Transport Options toolbar. The Project is organized into bookmarks. Bookmarks are very helpful in retaining window settings for demo or authoring purposes. Notice the Go to Bookmark dropdown list; it's next to the little flag icon. Progress through the bookmarks in order to experience this Demo Project. You'll recognize the first 33 bookmarks, as they are from DirectX7. DX8 examples start at bookmark 34. The files referenced by bookmarks 43-46 are provided by Sonic Implants. For more DLS sounds go to www.sonicimplants.com. Have fun; use these modest little examples as starting points for experimentation. We hope you can envision some variable and interactive possibilities for your music.